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Event Series

A resource that implements the concept of Event Series defined in the AlpineBits® Ontology.

A JSON object representing such a resource MUST contain the following fields:

  • type: the constant "eventSeries" that identifies the resource as being of the type event series.

  • id: a string that uniquely and persistently identifies the event series within a SERVER. See the definition in ???.

  • attributes: an object containing the attributes of the event series.

  • relationships: an object containing the relationships of the event series to other resources.

  • links: an object containing the links related to the event series.

Event series resources are structured in the following way:

  "type": "eventSeries",
  "id": "1",
  "meta": { ... },
  "attributes": { ... },
  "relationships": { ... },
  "links": { ... }


See the definition of the meta object in ???.


The attributes object of the event resource MUST contain the following fields:

  • abstract: a ??? object containing a brief description for the event series. Nullable. See the definition in ???.

  • description: a ??? object containing a description of the event series. Nullable. Conditional Assignment. See the definition in ???.

  • frequency: a string representing how often editions of the event series are organized according to an enumeration of possible values. Nullable. Enumeration.
    For example, event series with the frequency field set to "weekly" may include street markets and guided city tours, while event series with the frequency field set to "yearly" may include Südtirol Jazz Festival or Flower Festival.
    If set, the frequency field MUST be assigned one of the following values:

    • daily: when editions of the event series are organized every day, such as the daily street market of Bolzano.

    • weekly: when editions of the event series are organized every week, such as the weekly farmers' market of Bolzano.

    • monthly: when editions of the event series are organized every month, such as a flea market organized every month.

    • bimonthly: when editions of the event series are organized every two months.

    • quarterly: when editions of the event series are organized every three months.

    • annual: when editions of the event series are organized every year, such as the Südtirol Jazz Festival or Bolzano’s Christmas Market.

    • biennial: when editions of the event series are organized every two years.

    • triennial: when editions of the event series are organized every three years.

  • name: a ??? object containing the complete name of the event series. Non-nullable. Conditional Assignment. See the definition in ???.

  • shortName: a ??? object containing a short name of the event series. Nullable. See the definition in ???.

  • url: a ??? object or string describing the event series, such as a website or a Wikipedia page. Nullable. See the definition in ???.

A summary of the attributes is presented in the table below:

Field Type Constraints






Nullable, Conditional Assignment



Nullable, Enumeration



Non-nullable, Conditional Assignment








The relationships object of an event series resource MUST contain the following fields:

  • categories: a ??? category resources that are instantiated by the event series. See Section ???. Nullable. Non-empty.

    No category is pre-defined by the standard.

  • editions: a ??? event resources (see ???) that are editions of the event series. Nullable. Non-empty.

    Note that no two editions of an event series can be a sub-event of the other.

  • multimediaDescriptions: a ??? media object resources (see ???) that are related to the event series. See Section ???. Nullable. Non-empty.

A summary of the relationships is presented in the table below:

Field Type Constraints


??? object to ???

Nullable, Non-empty


??? object to ???

Nullable, Non-empty


??? object to ???

Nullable, Non-empty

See the definition of the links object in ???.


The following example presents an object containing the minimal information required of an event series resource:

  "type": "eventSeries",
  "id": "1",
  "meta": {
    "dataProvider": null,
    "lastUpdate": null
  "attributes": {
    "abstract": null,
    "description": null,
    "frequency": null,
    "name": {
      "eng": "Südtirol Jazz Festival"
    "shortName": null,
    "url": null
  "relationships": {
    "categories": null,
    "multimediaDescriptions": null,
    "editions": null
  "links": {
    "self": ""


The following example presents an object representing an event series resource:

  "type": "eventSeries",
  "id": "1",
  "meta": {
    "dataProvider": "",
    "lastUpdate": "2020-04-01T08:00:00+02:00"
  "attributes": {
    "abstract": {
      "eng": "The Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige was held for the first time in 1982 under the name of “Jazz Summer”..."
    "description": {
      "eng": "The Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige was held for the first time in 1982 under the name of “Jazz Summer”, which went on to become “Jazz & Other”. While in the early years the concerts were played only in Bolzano itself, today the festival stretches throughout the whole of South Tyrol and beyond."
    "frequency": "annual",
    "name": {
      "eng": "Südtirol Jazz Festival",
      "ita": "Südtirol Jazz Festival",
      "deu": "Südtirol Jazz Festival"
    "shortName": {
      "eng": "Südtirol Jazz Festival"
    "url": ""
  "relationships": {
    "categories": {
      "data": [
          "type": "categories",
          "id": "example:festival"
      "links": {
        "related": ""
    "multimediaDescriptions": {
      "data": [
          "type": "mediaObjects",
          "id": "1"
      "links": {
        "related": ""
    "editions": {
      "data": [
          "type": "events",
          "id": "1"
          "type": "events",
          "id": "2"
      "links": {
        "related": ""
  "links": {
    "self": ""
