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Important note: make sure to have the latest version of this document! The latest version is available from

Release version Document release date Description
2022-04 2022-04-30 This release contains the following improvements: 
 • Added resource creation specification
 • Added resource update specification
 • Added resource deletion specification
 • Added support to virtual and hybrid events
 • Updated licensing information on mediaObjects resources with the replacement of the copyrightOwner relationship with licenseHolder and introduction of the author attribute
 • Improvement of the definition of the dataProvider field on the meta of any resource
 • Improvement of the definition of the editions and series relationships on events and eventSeries resources
 • Improvement of the definition of the connections relationships on lifts, mountainAreas, skiSlopes, and snowparks resources
• Improvement of the definitions of the ontology
• Updated list of HTTP status codes
• Re-structuring of chapter API Architecture into chapters API Architecture, Requests and Responses, and Routes for improved organization of contents
2021-04 2021-03-24 This release contains the following improvements:
• Added filtering specification
• Added searching specification
• Added sorting specification
• Added random sorting specification
• Added field selection specification
• New resource type: categories
• Transformed categories attribute into a relationship
• New resource type: features
• Transformed features attribute into a relationship
• Changed the versioning format of server routes
• Renamed the trails resource type to skiSlopes
• Improved guidelines on how to handle bad requests
• Added recommendation for server to provide OpenAPI-based
2020-04 2020-04-30 First release published