00 preamble


This specification is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

If you find errors or you have proposals for enhancements, do not hesitate to contact us using the online discussion group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/alpinebits.

About the AlpineBits Alliance

The "AlpineBits Alliance" is a group of SME operating in the tourism sector working together to innovate and open the data exchange in alpine tourism, and therefore to optimize the online presence, sales and marketing efforts of the hotels and other accommodations in the alpine territory and also worldwide.

AlpineBits Alliance
Via Bolzano 63/A
39057 Frangarto / Appiano s.s.d.v. (BZ) - ITALY
VAT Reg No: IT02797280217

AlpineBits Alliance Members

ADDITIVE d. Ebner Matthias & Leiter Joachim OHG - https://www.additive.eu
Altea Software Srl - https://www.altea.it
aries.creative KG - https://www.ariescreative.com
ASA des Spitaler Gerhard & Co. KG - https://www.asaon.com
Brandnamic GmbH - https://www.brandnamic.com
Consisto GmbH - https://www.consisto.it
Destination Srl - https://www.destinationsrl.it
GardenaNet snc - https://www.gardena.net
HGV Service Genossenschaft - https://www.hgv.it
IDM Südtirol - Alto Adige - https://www.idm-suedtirol.com
Internet Consulting GmbH - https://www.inetcons.it
Internet Service GmbH - https://www.internetservice.it
LTS - Landesverband der Tourismusorganisationen Südtirols - https://www.lts.it
Marketing Factory GmbH - https://www.marketingfactory.it
NOI Spa/AG - https://noi.bz.it
Outdooractive AG - https://corporate.outdooractive.com/
PCS GmbH - https://www.pcs-software.it
Peer GmbH - https://www.peer.biz
Rateboard GmbH - https://www.rateboard.info
Schneemenschen GmbH - https://www.schneemenschen.de
SiMedia GmbH - https://www.simedia.com
Südtiroler Bauernbund - Roterhahn - https://www.roterhahn.it
XLbit snc - https://www.xlbit.com
Yanovis GmbH - https://www.yanovis.com

Authors of this document:
AlpineBits® repository Contributors - https://gitlab.com/alpinebits/hoteldata/standard-specification/-/graphs/master